“Those who are certain of the outcome can wait and wait, without anxiety…” – An excerpt from A Course in Miracles

Like many of my Millennial peers, I often struggle when it comes to waiting.

We’re infamous for our impatience for we’re a generation in constant search of immediate gratification.

We believe that we are entitled to receive and have everything that we want when we want it and that usually means as soon as possible … or better yet, right now.

In the past, patience was certainly not one of my virtues. Coupled with my habit to control everything (and everyone) around me, this combination almost always equated to high anxiety and stress.

In an effort to minimize that palpable feeling of worry, I usually resort to meticulous planning which always includes a long to-do list of details along with timelines that simply must be met and rolled out to precision.

Fortunately, as I’ve become older and somewhat wiser, it finally dawned on me that no matter how hard one tries, one simply can not have life timely organized and neatly packaged into beautifully bowed Tiffany boxes.

I’ve come to terms that though I can always aim to plan as best as I can, I must also do my best to surrender and trust that life is divinely unraveling as it should.

Read More: The Power of Perseverance and the Gift of Surrender

Most type A personalities, like me, have a ridiculous amount of difficulty swallowing this idea because we have a tendency to relentless pursue our goals…and very often achieve them.

The mere thought of letting go of control means the possibility of losing our drive & ambition that we have come to pridefully define as part of who we are.

With that said, having to finally be open to the idea of surrender, I’ve realized that there’s much freedom and peace to experience when one lets go of control.

What also helped me to relinquish control is that it became clear to me that surrendering, it doesn’t mean that we’re giving up. 

When we take the time to look back on our lives, most of the anxiety and stress we experienced were actually the results of our own vivid imagination.

We worry over circumstances, events, and situations that never actually happened – or will ever happen for that matter.

Yet, these worst-case scenarios we play in our minds plague us and hinder us from focusing our best efforts on everything that we do and take us away from taking advantage of the present moment.

We also create immense stress when we choose to cling desperately and wonder when the day that something (e.g: the perfect job, the next big account, the promotion etc.) or someone will finally arrive to make our lives better than it currently is.

While all the while, we also wish to have more peaceful and calm lives…

Read More: How to Achieve a More Balanced Life

Unfortunately, this wish won’t ever come true if we’re unwilling to part ways with the stress and anxiety that we, ourselves, created.

So what should one do to release all of the stress, anxiety, and worry?

A simple yet effective way I’ve found that helped me to let go of all the negative energy is the practice of meditation.

Set aside a simple, small space in the house where you can meditate daily. Start with just 5-10 minutes a day, ideally in the morning before starting your day to focus the mind solely on the present moment and on your breathing.

When you get the hang of it, start increasing the duration. Do note that if you’re anything like me who is used to having constant mind chatter going at top speed, you may find it difficult to quiet your mind at first.

Don’t know where to begin? Why not give our own 10-Minute Guided Meditation for Surrender a try? Make time for it every morning for at least 3 weeks, and take notes on its effects.

Be sure to subscribe to our brand new YouTube channel to get access to more soothing guided meditations as well as other inspirational content to help you live your best life!

Be patient and don’t be discouraged because once meditation becomes your daily habit, it will help you to do what you’ve desperately been longing to do – to finally let go of control and start embracing the art of surrender.


Read More: How to Create a More Mindful & Happier Life

Finding it challenging to let go of control? Is patience not your strongest virtue? A coach can give you the guidance and support you need to finally let go the need of control and start embracing the art of surrender. Click here to book your FREE discovery session today!

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