“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”- Suzy Kassem

Here’s a situation you might not have expected to encounter when you decided to courageously follow your gut and make that first step towards realizing your dreams: A whole lot of doubt starts to creep in and you find yourself asking questions along the line of “Am I making the biggest mistakes of my life?“, “Am I setting myself up for failure? ” and “so, what now? what do I do next?

If you’ve found yourself asking these questions, fear not. Having asked myself those exact questions, I’ve come to realize that most people who had taken the leap of faith of leaving the security of their cushy and reputable jobs in favor of following their passion(s) had done the same.

I found that having doubts and being unsure as to what next steps to take becomes an inevitable part of life after making such a course changing decision.

Though it’s completely normal to have some sort of regret and confusion when we first step out of our comfort zone, it’s crucial for us to make a commitment to ourselves to continue to take small yet powerful steps forward and forge ahead instead of allowing the regret to take a hold of us.

Because as soon as we let it, all that bravery we mustered to start growing and moving towards our dreams will go to waste and we will find ourselves back where we started, the mediocrity of life in that pleasant yet dreadful comfort zone.

First and foremost, we must give ourselves huge props for opting to make the most out of life by truly living it rather than merely existing in it.

Once we have done so, we must start to cultivate a strong belief that we have what we everything we need within us to realize our dreams into reality.

As Arthur Ashe, a great American athlete said, in order to begin to your journey, you need to only “Start where you are, with what you have and do what you can.

That said, we need to keep in mind that the decision we made to pursue our passion is just the beginning of the long and often winding journey towards success.

Read More: Learning How to Embrace the Struggles to Success

No matter how prepared we think we may be in tackling the road to success, more often than not, we will find ourselves stumbling and falling off the bandwagon multiple times along the way.

When that happens, we need to be able to rely in ourselves to get back on track and persevere no matter how bleak it all seems to be.

If we don’t have the faith and believe in our dreams and our capabilities in making them happen, it will be all to easy to throw ourselves pity parties, revel in the deep hole of despair and eventually finding ourselves giving up.

Read More: Fuel for Faith and Perseverance [Quotes]

The path to realizing your vision of your very best life may not be all sunshine and butterflies, but if you are truly passionate about what it is you are creating or offering to the world, you can and you’ll be able to face any adversities thrown in your path successfully.

Whenever we are faced with critics, challenges and hardships, we need become our very own #1 fan. We need to fearlessly stand by our dreams because there will be people who don’t share your vision and/or will attempt to stop you from pursuing your dreams.

These are the times where you would have to rise up and show the world just what you are made of. Remind yourself why you started and reignite that belief in what you do.

It’s also important to always see the silver linings of a seemingly negative circumstance and use it to your advantage. So when things get tough, convince yourself that it will help you to sharpen your character and push you to become more resilient and stronger than you were before.

Success is inevitable for those who persevere against all odds and it’s truly never over until you say it is.

As Henry David Thoreau, one of the world’s all time greatest philosopher, said “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to life the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours…

Believe that your decision to give up the good for the great is NOT a mistake. Cast aside your doubts and keep doing what it takes to make your dreams happen and you will succeed. The journey of realizing your dreams may be anything but easy but have faith that it will be worth it.

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